Wandering Wolf Added
32 x 32 Pixel Isometric Tiles » Devlog

The standing wolf takes up no more than 32x32 pixels, (varies in most frames) and is spaced on a sprite sheet in a 15x16 grid of 64x64 pixel spaces. The aseprite file is now also provided if you decide to make changes to the sprite. There are also separate folders for sprites without effects or shadow if you wish to add your own.
Here is a breakdown of what you'll find inside :
- Contains all animations in 4 directions (NE, NW, SE, SW).
- 960x1024 pixels PNG file.
- 15x16 grid of 64x64 pixel spaces.
- 8-frame running animation.
- 512x256 pixels PNG file.
- 8x4 grid of 64x64 pixel spaces.
- 9-frame howling animation.
- 576x256 pixels PNG file.
- 9x4 grid of 64x64 pixel spaces.
- 12-frame total animation.
- 2-frame hit animation and 10-frame death animation.
- 768x256 pixels PNG file.
- 12x4 grid of 64x64 pixel spaces.
- 15-frame bite animation.
- 960x256 pixels PNG file.
- 15x4 grid of 64x64 pixel spaces.
- 4-frame idle animation.
- 256x256 pixels PNG file.
- 4x4 grid of 64x64 pixel spaces.
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32 x 32 Pixel Isometric Tiles
32 x 32 Isometric Tiles
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